Prevention of schistosomiasis.. and the life cycle of schistosomiasis


The occurrence of schistosomiasis is one of the important topics that should be well known and taken into consideration since schistosomiasis is an acute and chronic disease resulting from infection with a type of parasitic worm called “sarcaria”. clean freshwater sources with schistosomiasis with their feces that contain parasite eggs, and parasites can remain in the infected person’s body for many years.

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Schistosomiasis life cycle

is a life cycle schistosomiasis; The first stage of schistosomiasis lies in mating, where small worms live in the liver cycle for a period of 5-8 weeks to ensure the sexual maturity of the males, after which the male carries his female into the incubation canal, readying the female for the maturity of her genitals and mating, after which the female is transferred. The eggs settle inward and deposit in the eggs of the person’s blood vessels, and these eggs contain an anterior thorn in case of infection with urinary tract schistosomiasis.

While in the case of rectal schistosomiasis, the thorn is lateral, and the advantage of this thorn is that it penetrates the walls of the contracting blood vessels, and the shell then produces substances that can dissolve the tissues so that the egg can enter the cavity of the bladder or the rectum and then out of the body.

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How to prevent schistosomiasis

Preventing schistosomiasis is one of the most important things people should consider to protect themselves from infection with schistosomiasis. One of the most important ways to prevent schistosomiasis is:

  • Be careful not to be permanently in pools or playing in fresh water.
  • How to prevent schistosomiasis is to boil the water used before use for one minute to remove parasites, then cool the water before washing to avoid infection with schistosomiasis.
  • Be sure to drink boiled water or filtered water that proves it is free from parasites. Although schistosomiasis is not transmitted to a person by drinking contaminated water, if contaminated water reaches a person’s lips, he can become infected with schistosomiasis.
  • Using an insect repellent with 50% diethyltoluamide, which helps to eradicate schistosomiasis.
  • How to prevent schistosomiasis lies in drying the skin well with a towel after using water contaminated with schistosomiasis, to prevent it from reaching the skin.

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