The amazing benefits of hazelnuts for the body.. 10 reasons that explain its importance for health……….


Hazelnut has many benefits, as it helps improve the brain and memory, protects the body against cancer and controls diabetes. Hazelnuts are among the most nutritious types of nuts that contain unsaturated fats that help with weight loss. Hazelnuts have been known since the Stone Age and have always been associated with legends, especially in China and Greece.

Hazelnut benefits

Protect heart health

Hazelnuts contain magnesium and potassium, elements that help dilate the arteries. It also contains dietary fiber that cleans the arteries and removes harmful cholesterol. In addition, hazelnuts are rich in amino acids and antioxidants that fight oxidative stress and inflammation.

The benefits of hazelnuts for diabetes

Hazelnuts contain a huge amount of elements such as potassium, phosphorus and magnesium, which are all minerals that help manage diabetes. It also contains amino acids and fiber that work to get rid of harmful cholesterol, according to studies and research on diabetics.

Maintain brain health

Hazelnuts are a great brain food, as they contain vitamins, minerals and amino acids that promote brain health and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Cancer prevention

Hazelnuts are rich in antioxidants such as zeaxanthin, lutein, thiamine and selenium, all compounds that fight free radicals and inflammation that cause cancer. According to many studies, hazelnuts are effective in preventing lung, prostate and breast cancer.

maintain weight

Hazelnuts are rich in fiber and good fats, which promote satiety and help Anorexiawhich is reflected in weight loss.

Preservation of the muscles

Hazelnut contains the necessary elements for muscle building such as calcium, magnesium, vitamin K and protein, making it a good post-workout meal.

The benefits of hazelnuts for bones

Hazelnuts are a good food to support bone health as they contain magnesium, calcium and potassium, elements that promote bone density and prevent brittleness with age.

Prevention of anemia

Hazelnuts contain iron, copper and folic acid, elements that help make red blood cells and increase hemoglobin.

Keep nerves

Hazelnuts produce myelin, which helps nerves function and transmits electrical signals to all parts of the body.

Benefits of hazelnut for the skin

Hazelnut contains vitamin E, vitamin C and fatty acids, which protect, nourish and moisturize the skin.

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